Concentric Nebulizer-Scott Spray Chamber End Cap Assembly for Avio 200/500 & Optima 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV/8x00
This end cap assembly, which connects concentric, GemCone™ and similar nebulizers to Ryton® Scott spray chambers, is use
四道定时器 四道定时器 四通道电子定时器、倒计时器 1.四通道可同时(需分别按各通道键)或单独进行倒计时; 2.四组声音不同,区分容易; 3.可正、倒计时,计时范围:1秒--99小时59分59秒 A.
Cyclonic Spray Chamber Adaptor for Optima 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV/8x00
This cyclonic spray chamber adaptor is used with Optima™ 2x00 DV, 4x00 DV, 5x00 DV, 7x00 DV, and 8x00 ICP-OES series ins
用途:用于元素分析过程中的反应管。 对应仪器厂家代码: Perkin Elmer: 0240-1369 SerCon: SC0706 适用仪器: Perkin Elmer 240ABC
6016736 10 mL ATPlite 1step Luminescence Assay System, 100 mL ATP Assay Kit
ATP is a marker for cell viability due to its presence in all metabolically active cells. ATP concentration declines rap