PeproTech 2016年10月发布重组人FGF-8a等5种新产品!-产品资讯-资讯-生物在线

PeproTech 2016年10月发布重组人FGF-8a等5种新产品!

作者:美国PeproTech(派普泰克)公司中国代表处 2016-10-10T17:05 (访问量:3847)



类别 名称 货号 规格 价格/RMB
细胞因子 Human FGF-8a 100-25A 5ug ¥1,000
细胞因子 Human FGF-8a 100-25A 25ug ¥2,450
细胞因子 Human FGF-8a 100-25A 100ug ¥11,020
细胞因子 Human FGF-8a 100-25A 250ug ¥20,060
细胞因子 Human FGF-8a 100-25A 500ug ¥34,390
细胞因子 Human FGF-8a 100-25A 1000ug ¥57,330
细胞因子 Human BMP-7 120-03P 2ug ¥1,000
细胞因子 Human BMP-7 120-03P 10ug ¥2,450
细胞因子 Human BMP-7 120-03P 50ug ¥9,170
细胞因子 Human BMP-7 120-03P 100ug ¥15,280
细胞因子 Human BMP-7 120-03P 500ug ¥45,860
细胞因子 Human BMP-7 120-03P 1000ug ¥76,440
细胞因子 Human sFRP-4 120-50 5ug ¥1,000
细胞因子 Human sFRP-4 120-50 25ug ¥2,450
细胞因子 Human sFRP-4 120-50 100ug ¥8,820
细胞因子 Human sFRP-4 120-50 250ug ¥15,430
细胞因子 Human sFRP-4 120-50 500ug ¥26,460
细胞因子 Human sFRP-4 120-50 1000ug ¥44,100
细胞因子 Human FSTL1 120-51 10ug ¥1,000
细胞因子 Human FSTL1 120-51 50ug ¥2,450
细胞因子 Human FSTL1 120-51 100ug ¥4,410
细胞因子 Human FSTL1 120-51 250ug ¥7,710
细胞因子 Human FSTL1 120-51 500ug ¥13,230
细胞因子 Human FSTL1 120-51 1000ug ¥22,050
无动物成分细胞因子 Human IL-17D AF-200-27 5ug ¥1,190
无动物成分细胞因子 Human IL-17D AF-200-27 25ug ¥2,700
无动物成分细胞因子 Human IL-17D AF-200-27 100ug ¥9,700
无动物成分细胞因子 Human IL-17D AF-200-27 250ug ¥16,970
无动物成分细胞因子 Human IL-17D AF-200-27 500ug ¥29,100
无动物成分细胞因子 Human IL-17D AF-200-27 1000ug ¥48,510

1. 重组人Human FGF-8a

产品描述:FGF-8 is a heparin-binding growth factor belonging to the FGF family. Proteins of this family play a central role during prenatal development, postnatal growth and regeneration of a variety of tissues, by promoting cellular proliferation and differentiation. There are 4 known alternate spliced forms of FGF8; FGF-8a, FGF-8b, FGF-8e and FGF-8f. The human and murine FGF-8a and FGF-8b are identical, unlike human and mouse FGF-8e and FGF-8f, which are 98% identical. FGF-8 targets mammary carcinoma cells and other cells expressing the FGF receptors.CHO cell-derived Recombinant Human FGF-8a is a 21.2 kDa protein consisting of 182 amino acid residues.

2. 重组人Human BMP-7

产品描述:TGF-β family members are key modulators of cell proliferation, differentiation, matrix synthesis, and apoptosis. As implied by their name, BMPs initiate, promote, and regulate the development, growth, and remodeling of bone and cartilage. In addition to this role, BMPs are also involved in prenatal development and postnatal growth, remodeling, and maintenance of a variety of other tissues and organs. BMP-7, also known as osteogenic protein-1 or OP-1, is a potent bone inducing agent, which in the presence of an appropriate osteoconductive carrier (e.g. collagen sponge or synthetic hydroxyapatite) can be used in the treatment of bone defects. A bone-graft substitute, called OP-1TMimplant, made of recombinant human BMP-7 associated with bovine bone-derived collagen, has recently been approved by the FDA as a device for treating critical-size bone fractures. The potential use of BMP-7 in dental reconstructive surgeries is currently under investigation. Recombinant Human BMP-7 is a homodimeric glycoprotein consisting of two 117 amino acid subunits, which correspond to amino acid residues 315 to 431 of the full-length BMP-7 precursor. Recombinant Human BMP-7 has a calculated molecular weight of 26.4 kDa; however, due to glycosylation, the BMP-7 homodimer migrates at an apparent molecular weight of approximately 25-35 kDa by SDS-PAGE analysis under non-reducing conditions.

3. 重组人Human sFRP-4

产品描述:Secreted Frizzled-Related Proteins (sFRPs) are a family of glycosylated Wnt antagonists characterized by a conserved cysteine-rich domain that shares homology with the cysteine-rich, extracellular domain Frizzled proteins use for the binding of Wnt proteins and receptors. Lacking the transmembrane and intracellular domains of the Frizzled proteins, sFRPs function as soluble modulators of the Wnt signaling pathway through the direct binding of Wnt proteins to this cysteine-rich domain, and the resultant inhibition of Wnt receptor binding and signaling capabilities. sFRP-4 is widely distributed in a variety of embryonic and adult tissues where it can function as a circulating antiangiogenic factor, a potent proapoptotic factor, an inhibitor of insulin secretion, and a suppressor of both tumor growth and metastatic potential through disruption of the Wnt signaling pathway. Research has demonstrated the existence of a direct correlation between the downregulation and/or absence of circulating sFRP-4 and the progression of several cancer types, including ovarian, endometrial, prostate and lung. Upregulation of circulating sFRP-4 has been linked to the deterioration of glucose metabolism in the case of type 2 diabetes, as well as the suppression of the keratinocyte hyperproliferation and epidermal hyperlasia that are definitive of psoriasis. PeproTech's CHO cell-derived Recombinant Human sFRP-4 is a glycoprotein of 328 amino acid residues that contains a cysteine-rich, Frizzled-homologous domain. The calculated molecular weight of CHO cell-derived Recombinant Human sFRP-4 is 37.8 kDa; however, due to glycosylation, the protein migrates at an apparent molecular weight of approximately 55 - 65 kDa by SDS-PAGE analysis under reducing conditions.

4. 重组人Human FSTL1

产品描述:Follistatin-like protein 1 (FSTL1) is a widely-expressed, extracellular glycoprotein that is homologously grouped into the osteonectin (BM-40/SPARC) family of secreted proteins based on its possession of both a follistatin-like and extracellular calcium-binding domain. Initially identified as a TGF-β-inducible protein in a cloned mouse osteoblast cell line, FSTL1 has since been implicated in an array of cell-type-specific functions, such as the regulation of proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and migration, as well as a number of biological processes, including embryonic development, inflammatory response, angiogenesis, tumorigenesis, and immune disease pathogenesis. Highly conserved across mammalian species and widely expressed in human tissues, FSTL1 can be upregulated through signaling mediators of the innate immune system,such as TLR4 agonists and the arthritogenic cytokine IL-1β via NFκB pathways, to stimulate the expression and secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines, including TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-8. While cells of mesenchymal lineage are capable of FSTL1 production, FSTL1 expression is notably absent from cells of hematopoietic lineage under normal physiological conditions. Macrophages and monocytes are, however, capable of taking up FSTL1 at sites of inflammation where FSTL1 stimulation can cause the expression of caspase-1 and its resultant enzymatic cleavage of active IL-1β from pro-IL-1β. Whereas the overexpression of FSTL1 has been noted as a substantial contributor to the progression of immune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA), diminished FSTL1 serum levels have been identified as playing a significant part in both ovarian and endometrial carcinogenesis, where it directly affects cell proliferation, migration and invasion. PeproTech's CHO cell-derived Recombinant Human FSTL1 is a 288-amino-acid-length glycoprotein with a calculated molecular weight of 32.7 kDa; however, due to glycosylation, protein migration occurs at an apparent molecular weight of approximately 50-55 kDa by SDS-PAGE analysis under both reducing and non-reducing conditions.

5. 重组人Human IL-17D

产品描述:IL-17D is a disulfide-linked homodimer of two 185 amino acid polypeptide chains. It belongs to the IL-17 family of structurally related cytokines that share a highly conserved C-terminal region, but differ from one another in their N-terminal regions and in their distinct biological roles. The six known members of this family, IL-17A through IL-17F, are secreted as homodimers. IL-17D has the ability to stimulate the production of IL-6, IL-8 and GM-CSF, and inhibits hemopoiesis of myeloid progenitor cells in colony-forming assays. Recombinant Human IL-17D is a 40.5 kDa disulfide-linked homodimer of two 185 amino acid polypeptide chains. Manufactured using all Animal-Free reagents.

美国PeproTech(派普泰克)公司中国代表处 商家主页

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