2007年《Plant Physiology》发表的PAM文献-环球风云-资讯-生物在线

2007年《Plant Physiology》发表的PAM文献

作者:上海泽泉科技股份有限公司 2007-11-20T00:00 (访问量:5997)

PAM系列调制叶绿素荧光仪作为植物光合作用研究发表文献最多的仪器品牌,在植物生理、生态学领域有着广泛应用,仪器发明人Schreiber教授获得首届国际光合作用协会(ISPR)创新奖。这里列出了2007年1月至11月上旬发表在国际著名科学杂志《Plant Physiology》上的部分文献,供广大用户参考。

1) John Veerman, Sergej Vasil'ev, Gavin D. Paton, Justin Ramanauskas, and Doug Bruce
Photoprotection in the Lichen Parmelia sulcata: The Origins of Desiccation-Induced Fluorescence Quenching
Plant Physiol. 145: 997-1005; Plant Physiol. First published on November 1, 2007; 10.1104/pp.107.106872

2) Holger Fahnenstich, Mariana Saigo, Michaela Niessen, María I. Zanor, Carlos S. Andreo, Alisdair R. Fernie, María F. Drincovich, Ulf-Ingo Flügge, and Verónica G. Maurino
Alteration of Organic Acid Metabolism in Arabidopsis Overexpressing the Maize C4 NADP-Malic Enzyme Causes Accelerated Senescence during Extended Darkness
Plant Physiol. 145: 640-652; Plant Physiol. First published on November 1, 2007; 10.1104/pp.107.104455

3) Claudia Studart-Guimarães, Aaron Fait, Adriano Nunes-Nesi, Fernando Carrari, Björn Usadel, and Alisdair R. Fernie
Reduced Expression of Succinyl-Coenzyme A Ligase Can Be Compensated for by Up-Regulation of the gamma-Aminobutyrate Shunt in Illuminated Tomato Leaves
Plant Physiol. 145: 626-639; Plant Physiol. First published on November 1, 2007; 10.1104/pp.107.103101

4) Maryam Shahbazi, Matthias Gilbert, Anne-Marie Labouré, and Marcel Kuntz
Dual Role of the Plastid Terminal Oxidase in Tomato
Plant Physiol. 145: 691-702; Plant Physiol. First published on November 1, 2007; 10.1104/pp.107.106336

5) Markus C. Baier, Aiko Barsch, Helge Kuster, and Natalija Hohnjec
Antisense-repression of the Medicago truncatula nodule-enhanced sucrose synthase leads to a handicapped nitrogen fixation mirrored by specific alterations in the symbiotic transcriptome and metabolome
Plant Physiol. First published on October 19, 2007; 10.1104/pp.107.106955

6) Michel Havaux, Luca Dall'Osto, and Roberto Bassi
Zeaxanthin has Enhanced Antioxidant Capacity with Respect to All Other Xanthophylls in Arabidopsis Leaves and functions independent of binding to PSII antennae
Plant Physiol. First published on October 11, 2007; 10.1104/pp.107.108480

7) Tatjana Kleine, Peter Kindgren, Catherine Benedict, Luke Hendrickson, and Åsa Strand
Genome-Wide Gene Expression Analysis Reveals a Critical Role for CRYPTOCHROME1 in the Response of Arabidopsis to High Irradiance
Plant Physiol. 144: 1391-1406; Plant Physiol. First published on July 1, 2007; 10.1104/pp.107.098293

8) Shizue Matsubara, Tomas Morosinotto, C. Barry Osmond, and Roberto Bassi
Short- and Long-Term Operation of the Lutein-Epoxide Cycle in Light-Harvesting Antenna Complexes
Plant Physiol. 144: 926-941; Plant Physiol. First published on June 1, 2007; 10.1104/pp.107.099077

9) Satoshi Nagai, Masumi Koide, Shigekazu Takahashi, Akihiro Kikuta, Mitsuko Aono, Yuko Sasaki-Sekimoto, Hiroyuki Ohta, Ken-ichiro Takamiya, and Tatsuru Masuda
Induction of Isoforms of Tetrapyrrole Biosynthetic Enzymes, AtHEMA2 and AtFC1, under Stress Conditions and Their Physiological Functions in Arabidopsis
Plant Physiol. 144: 1039-1051; Plant Physiol. First published on June 1, 2007; 10.1104/pp.107.100065

10) Isabelle Heiber, Elke Ströher, Bodo Raatz, Ingo Busse, Uwe Kahmann, Mike W. Bevan, Karl-Josef Dietz, and Margarete Baier
The redox imbalanced Mutants of Arabidopsis Differentiate Signaling Pathways for Redox Regulation of Chloroplast Antioxidant Enzymes
Plant Physiol. 143: 1774-1788; Plant Physiol. First published on April 1, 2007; 10.1104/pp.106.093328

11) Ljudmila Kalituho, Karl Christian Beran, and Peter Jahns
The Transiently Generated Nonphotochemical Quenching of Excitation Energy in Arabidopsis Leaves Is Modulated by Zeaxanthin
Plant Physiol. 143: 1861-1870; Plant Physiol. First published on April 1, 2007; 10.1104/pp.107.095562

12) Florian Busch, Norman P.A. Hüner, and Ingo Ensminger
Increased Air Temperature during Simulated Autumn Conditions Does Not Increase Photosynthetic Carbon Gain But Affects the Dissipation of Excess Energy in Seedlings of the Evergreen Conifer Jack Pine
Plant Physiol. 143: 1242-1251; Plant Physiol. First published on March 1, 2007; 10.1104/pp.106.092312

13) Yunlai Tang, Xiaogang Wen, Qingtao Lu, Zhipan Yang, Zhukuan Cheng, and Congming Lu
Heat Stress Induces an Aggregation of the Light-Harvesting Complex of Photosystem II in Spinach Plants
Plant Physiol. 143: 629-638; Plant Physiol. First published on February 1, 2007; 10.1104/pp.106.090712

14) Ramiro E. Rodriguez, Anabella Lodeyro, Hugo O. Poli, Matias Zurbriggen, Martin Peisker, Javier F. Palatnik, Vanesa B. Tognetti, Henning Tschiersch, Mohammad-Reza Hajirezaei, Estela M. Valle, and Néstor Carrillo
Transgenic Tobacco Plants Overexpressing Chloroplastic Ferredoxin-NADP(H) Reductase Display Normal Rates of Photosynthesis and Increased Tolerance to Oxidative Stress
Plant Physiol. 143: 639-649; Plant Physiol. First published on February 1, 2007; 10.1104/pp.106.090449

* 全球第一台调制荧光仪——PAM-101/102/103
* 全球第一台便携式调制荧光仪——PAM-2000(已升级为PAM-2100)
* 全球第一台可测量自然水样的荧光仪——XE-PAM
* PAM-2000的浓缩版——MINI-PAM
* PAM-2000的超浓缩版——PAM-210
* 全球第一台水下荧光仪——DIVINGP-PAM
* 全球第一台连续监测荧光仪——MONITORING-PAM
* 全球第一台便携式水样荧光仪——WATER-PAM
* 全球第一台可对浮游植物自动分类的荧光仪——PHYTO-PAM
* 全球第一台水样毒性荧光仪——TOXY-PAM
* 全球第一台可测单细胞光合作用的荧光仪——MICROSCOPY-PAM
* 全球第一台超微光纤荧光仪——MICROFIBER-PAM
* 全球第一台多功能荧光成像系统——IMAGING-PAM
* 全球第一套多探头荧光成像系统——M Series IMAGING-PAM
* 全球第一台可同时测量PSII和PSI活性的调制荧光仪——Dual-PAM-100
* 全球第一台可无线传输数据的荧光仪——RADIO-PAM

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