ATP disodium salt 5'-二磷酸腺苷二钠-其它资料-资讯-生物在线

ATP disodium salt 5'-二磷酸腺苷二钠

作者:翌圣生物科技(上海)股份有限公司 2008-06-21T00:00 (访问量:4827)

ATP disodium salt  5'-二磷酸腺苷二钠


SigmaUltra, ≥99%  

Molecular Formula: C10H14N5Na2O13P3

Molecular Weight: 551.1 (anhydrous)

pKa: 4.0 (amino group); 6.5 (secondary phosphate)

ëmax: 259 nm

Extinction Coefficient: EmM = 15.4 (259 nm in 100 mM

phosphate buffer, pH 7.0).

Product Description

Adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) and its phosphate bonds are the basic components of energy exchange in many biological systems. The purification and crystallization of ATP from equine muscle led to the entry of the Sigma Chemical Company into the research biochemical field. Sigma became the first to offer stable, crystalline ATP with a purity approaching 100%. The initial products were isolated from muscle tissue and precipitated with ethanol.1 Currently, this product is isolated from a microbial source and is produced via a fermentation process. No chemical phosphorylation is involved.

Trace elemental analyses have been performed on the SigmaUltra ATP. The certificate of analysis provides lot specific results. SigmaUltra ATP is for applications, which require tight control of elemental content.

This preparation of ATP is recommended for use as an ATP standard in bioluminescence assays. The recommended ATP products for standards in bioluminescence experiments are sodium salts of ATP: Product No. A 7699 (packaged in bulk, to be weighed by the user) and Product Code FL-AAS, preweighed vials equivalent to 1.0 mg of ATP (2 ìmole).

ATP has intrinsic metal binding affinity. The binding constant for various metals are (given as per mole):2 Mg2+ (9,554), Na+ (13), Ca2+ (3,722), K+ (8), Sr2+ (1,381), Li+ (25).

Precautions and Disclaimer

For Laboratory Use Only. Not for drug, household or other uses.

Preparation Instructions

ATP is soluble in water (50 mg/ml), yielding a clear, colorless solution. This solution is mildly acidic (pH approximately 3.5).


The product is routinely shipped at ambient temperature without degradation. It is recommended to store the product at –0 °C with desiccation. A very slow dismutation occurs in the powdered product with 2 ATP molecules forming ADP and adenosine 5’-tetraphosphate. A decomposition of less than 0.5% per year is observed. The product is stable for at least 2 years.

Aqueous solutions of ATP are stable for months when frozen at –15 °C and for approximately one week at 0 °C. ADP is the first hydrolysis product formed, with

additional hydrolysis leading to the formation of AMP. However, ATP solutions are only stable for several hours at 0 ºC when dissolved in a trichloroacetic acid solution. In alkaline solution, it rapidly decomposes to inorganic pyrophosphate and adenosine 5'-phosphate even at 0 °C.3

Ordering Information





Cat. no.


ATP disodium salt

1 g





5 g






翌圣生物科技(上海)股份有限公司 商家主页

地 址: 上海市浦东新区天雄路166弄一号楼三层南单元

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